Laravel Sail with Multiple Docker Compose Config Files

Laravel Sail with Multiple Docker Compose Config Files

We often find ourselves in a situation where two groups are collaborating on the same Laravel project – one for the Backend and another for the Frontend.

The Backend group requires the MySQL service, so they use docker-compose.yml with the MySQL service properly configured.

On the other hand, the Frontend group utilizes an external MySQL service like Planetscale, and therefore, they need docker-compose.local.yml with the MySQL service removed.

To instruct Sail to load docker-compose.local.yml for the Frontend group, follow these steps:

  1. Edit your .env file.
  2. Set SAIL_FILES to docker-compose.local.yml.

By taking these steps, you not only save considerable local storage on your computer but also save time by skipping the loading of the MySQL service for the Frontend group.


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