Off Autoplay HTC Sync Manager

HTC Sync Manager always appear if my phone connected to my computer.
It is harassing me!

Don't worry. Here i explain a bit about HTC Sync Manager.

I know you hate it but you need to know that Samsung can't do what HTC does.

Topic: HTC device provide 'Internet pass-throught'.

Mostly, HTC device provide 'Internet pass-throught'.

HTC 'Internet pass-throught' is sharing the device internet to your computer via USB connection.
Then, you can shot a Wifi hotspot.

So, everyone love you because you can share your internet connection.

This is the most important thing you should know why we need HTC Sync Manager.

Topic: How to avoid HTC Sync Manager software keep autoplay?

 set the circle tick uncheck. Thats All.

Topic: How to avoid HTC Sync Manager volume auto-mounting on OSX Mac?
  1. get your the volume UDID
  2. put in '/etc/fstab/' as shown below

refer this article


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